Download dandara fontwell
Download dandara fontwell

Highways England’s recommendation at Fontwell shows they know this very well. But to accommodate existing local traffic and more houses, we need substantial sections of the Sussex A27 to operate at 50mph rather than 70mph, with traffic lights and roundabouts where necessary to manage the flow on and off the A27. We need to make improvements, both to the A27 and to the behaviour patterns of traffic using it, which will ease the flow at peak times.

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Local traffic would have to go further and queue longer to get on, off or across an A27 expressway, which by definition prioritises long distance traffic over local traffic. There is a demand from a small proportion of Sussex traffic for a long distance high speed route, with all roundabouts and traffic lights removed, and junctions as large and as few as possible. Click here to see the drawing showing all these new Fontwell roundabout traffic lights. That is, two sets on the roundabout itself, and two sets on the A27 just either side of it, one in each direction. To accommodate just 400 extra houses at Fontwell (planning application WA/22/15), Highways England have formally recommended to Arun District Council on that a condition should be placed on this development, requiring four sets of traffic lights to be added to the A29/A27 (Little Chef) Fontwell Roundabout.

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People say, “If we have to have thousands more houses in Sussex, then we have to have a fully dualled 70mph A27”.

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